Mark Hogan - Photographic Artist
Hi, my name is Mark Hogan and I'm a photographer from Ottawa Canada, not pro by any means, but definitely passionate and enthusiastic about photographic fine art.
Over the last few years of my journey I've been drawn to a particular style of photographic art known as Staged Photography. I started out doing landscapes and light sculpting followed by an intense climb into fine art compositing.
Currently my work is on display at the prestigious Koyman Galleries in Ottawa.
I've learned a lot about lightpainting and Photoshop editing from workshops with experts in the fields of light painting (Harold Ross) and landscape art (Tony Moore). I always felt the pull towards enhanced reality and naturally drifted into compositing, a style that I attacked voraciously.
I honed my compositing skills with tutorials and books from several super stars in this genre, most notably Aaron Nace, Brooke Shaden, Erik Almas, Glynn Dewis, and Renee Robyn.
Taking this newfound passion for compositing to the next level I started to explore the world of staged photographic art, which took everything I loved and extended it by combining miniature staged sets, live models, dramatic lighting and Photoshop compositing.
To this end I've been mentored by perhaps the most respected staged photographic artist in the world, Richard Tuschman. From his current home in NYC, NY, Richard has been generous enough to provide invaluable insights into his studio methods, diorama modeling and editing techniques. He has coached me and helped me to become the best I can be, and we've shared a few laughs along the way.
The final leg of the stool was built when I took a Fine Art Portrait workshop from world renowned portrait artist Dmitry Baev from the Ukraine.
Currently I'm building and photographing miniature sets followed by a studio session with a live model and then PS compositing.
I’ve finally crossed the threshold of achieving my own style, my own unique blend of all of the skills I've acquired and the passion I've felt.